by Peter Ristevski | Jan 22, 2024 | Cashflow, Credit Reports, Financial Planning, How To, Money Saving Tips
As we kick off 2024 and wade through the financial scene, it’s time to set goals for our money resolutions. Personally, I’m all about setting and hitting goals, but let’s be real – not everyone can pull it off without the right setup and support. There’s nothing more...
by Investment Plus Accounting Group | Dec 23, 2022 | Credit applications, Credit Reports, Finance and Loans
If you are thinking about applying for a loan or credit you need to make sure your credit score is in order. A good credit score makes all the difference and can be a major factor in securing the loan you need at a great rate and on favourable terms. If you have a bad...
by Investment Plus Accounting Group | Jul 19, 2022 | Credit Reports, Finance, Home loans, Refinancing
Want to refinance your mortgage but worried you’ll be rejected? Why do some lenders reject applications to refinance mortgages? Your credit score is too low When you apply to refinance your loan, you’re essentially applying for a whole new mortgage. That means a...